All in GWOT

Honor all the Charlies, Shame on the Milleys

Within a very short time, Charlie became an important part of the regular gatherings, and it was clear to anyone that spoke with him, that, although he had suffered greatly, he was proud of his time and service in the storied 82nd, America’s rapid contingency deployment division. Beyond his military experience, he had a wide-ranging mind, and could be described as a “Type A” personality and engaged on the full range of topics that flew across the table. Charlie could “give as good as he got,” when it came to the expected heckling among male friends, including one curmudgeon’s observation to Charlie that “At first we couldn’t get you to talk, now we can’t get you to shut up!” Even with one eye and a mask covering his face, Charlie’s face lit up in laughter, and he replied, “well, that shit’s on you, bro.”