The Americanologist Privacy Policy

 It’s pretty simple- as an American, you deserve your privacy, and we entirely support your constitutional right to tell us to take a hike! We provide our content for your pleasure in respect of the “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” theme our nation’s founders thought were important enough to include in the Declaration of Independence. We know all the words and respect them here at The Americanologist.

Our site collects information using cookies (not sure why they call them that) like most sites, and you can decline them if you wish, but the non-specific data it gives us provides some insight into what is popular, so we can make changes to our site for your enjoyment. We don’t share any of that data with anyone else, and it is not used to market products or link you to the annoying pop-up adds some sites use to drive their income.

If you submit your email to us for our email list (please do and send our site to friends) we also do not sell that information to others, and our email blast campaigns are meant to let you know we have added some content you may be interested in. If you are on our list, you can remove your name anytime by notifying us with an email through our contact page.  Our email lists send out as private emails, so your email also won’t end up on a list with crazy Uncle Fred getting ahold of your email and sending you his annual “Raccoons of the Old Northwest” calendar or recipe for Vegan spare ribs.

“Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Best tag line ever